as of December 21, 2023
THESE GENERAL TERMS OF SERVICE (the « Terms ») are a legal and binding agreement between sakod SAS, a French corporation (« sakod » or « case » or « We » or « Us » or « Service Provider ») and you, or if you represent an employer or client, then the employer or client (« You » or « Client »), governing your use of usecase’s website (, the emailing services and all other related services that sakod provides (collectively the « Services »). sakod reserves all rights to change or update these Terms at any moment and at its sole discretion, by posting on its Website or by providing any other notice, if possible at least 30 days before its entry into effect, and your rights under these Terms will be subject to the most current version posted on the Website at the website, the emailing services and all other related services that sakod provides (collectively the « Services »). PLEASE CAREFULLY READ THESE TERMS. BY SUBSCRIBING OR BY ACCESSING OR USING THE WEBSITE OR THE SERVICES, YOU AGREE THAT YOU HAVE READ AND AGREE, WITHOUT RESERVATIONS, TO BE BOUND BY THE LATEST VERSION OF THE AGREEMENT BEING THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS, LISTED BY ORDER OF PRIORITY: • Specific Terms (defined below in article 1), if any; • These Terms; The Services are exclusively reserved for a professional use and are not available to minors under the age of 18.
Each capitalised term herein shall have the meaning given below unless otherwise expressly stated. « Assistance Services » means any consulting services, development, configuration and settings assistance provided by Service Provider in order to allow Client to access and use the Service, including integration of an API into its own website or implementation of an « SMTP-IMAP » protocol for email transfers. Assistance Services include Consulting Services, On-boarding and training services, as well as all related services. « Data » means Client’s electronic data, whether or not personal data, which are collected, managed, processed and/or shared by Client and Service Provider, and which may be intended for third parties, through the Service access and use rights. « Service » means the sakod externalised application solution that is hosted on the servers and/or cloud that Service Provider designates and that Client may execute remotely. The Service offers various features, including, but not limited to, management of emailing campaigns with real-time monitoring of sent email deliverability, sending and managing, transactional emails. Service Provider expressly reserves the right, at any time during the term of the Agreement, to adapt, arrange and/or modify any of the components granting access and use rights to the Service and the associated documentation, provided that the maintenance and support commitments are complied with for these operations. Similarly, sakod may, at any time, discontinue providing a platform deemed undesirable and/or obsolete and migrate services to a new infrastructure; in which case, sakod will endeavour to inform You as early as possible and invite You to migrate your account to the new infrastructure. « Intellectual Property Right » means all industrial property and copyrights including patents, trademarks, designs and models, copyrights (audiovisual effects, graphic interfaces, preparatory design material, software and source code, specifications and ancillary documentation). « Operating Policies » means the operational rules, guidelines and processes followed by Service Provider in the operation of the Service, and with which Customer’s compliance is also required in some cases. These Operating Policies are comprised of the Privacy Policy as updated from time to time, and are incorporated herein. « Specific Terms » means all specific terms and conditions mutually agreed with the Client stating in particular the financial and technical elements specified in quotation. « Website » means the web pages associated with the technological features of the Service described in the Service Documentation that can be accessed by and configured for and/or by Client, especially the “Admin” interface, in accordance with the Agreement.
2.1 We shall use reasonable efforts, in accordance with customary state of the art principles, to ensure that emails sent by You are properly routed to their recipients’ electronic mailboxes. To this end, We shall provide You with an online automatic monitoring service, enabling You to update and modify your mailing lists and emailing campaigns in real time. You may also subscribe to additional recommended services in order to improve the Service. Such additional services shall be invoiced separately and shall be provided only after your prior acceptance of a quotation and are as referenced in the Specific Terms. 2.2 Support and Service Levels You shall be responsible for appointing an administrator (the « Administrator »), who shall be in charge of collecting information and assistance requests from your users and for trying to respond to them. We shall provide second level support fort he Service (« Support »), consisting of (i) responding to the Administrator’s requests for information and support in connection with use of the Service, or (ii) resolving anomalies arising from use of the Service that the Administrator has not been able to fix despite its best first level support efforts. The Administrator is to create a Support ticket by sending a request to: including as much detail as possible relating to the request for Support, it being agreed that only the Administrator may contact/access the Support service.
You shall comply with the terms and use restrictions, if any, set out in these present Terms, and in the Operating Policies. You shall be responsible for ensuring that your users also comply with said Terms and use restrictions. You shall not interfere with or disrupt operation of the Service and shall comply with the Agreement for access to and use of this service. When You use the Case API, You shall be responsible for your usage of the Case platform and shall limit your API calls to a reasonable volume. sakod reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to take any necessary action to address any improper use. You subscribe to the Services in your name and on your behalf, and You are not entitled to send via our Services promotional emails for a third-party, nor to assign the use of all or part of the Services to your own customers, even for free; As an indirect Case subscriber, You subscribe to the Services in Your name but on behalf of your own clients with the objective of managing and/or reselling Case to your clients. Specific Terms will be applicable to this usage, including that You must use sub-accounts to separate email traffic of your own clients using the Services and are responsible for the necessary support for the End Users.
When You create your account, You undertake to share the information required to process your orders as requested on line, including, your surname, first name (or corporate name of your company), address, phone number and valid email. This Data shall be processed in accordance with our Privacy Policy, where we describe how We manage, process and store Your Data in the context of providing our services. You are responsible for the consequences of false or inaccurate information You have shared with us. You shall keep confidential and secure all credentials, User IDs and passwords associated with your account, and to immediately notify Us of any unauthorised use of your account, or of any theft or loss of credentials allowing access to the account. Each account is personal and can only be accessed and used by You or the users duly authorized by You. You recognize and acknowledge that You may be liable for any unlawful, wrongful or fraudulent use of the account, and You shall indemnify and hold Us harmless against any action or claim arising from such a use. We reserve the right to request proof of your identity or authority before granting access to your account.
You shall be solely and wholly liable (i) for any Data, information or content, in particular the content of emails, or newsletters sent by You through the Service, including if such content is provided by a third party, such as an SMTP relay or via the routing of an entire infrastructure (hereinafter collectively referred to as « Content »), and (ii) for the Content’s compliance with the regulations in force in accordance with article 4 below. You acknowledge and warrant that the Content, whether in whole or in part, shall in no event:
You undertake to comply with Our Sending Policy and, in particular, You acknowledge that You have been informed that in the event of breach of the provisions of this Policy, or if We receive an unusual number of complaints, We shall be entitled to terminate your subscription and/or close the master account or any associated sub-account, in which case You shall not be entitled to claim any refund or compensation. We also reserve the right to temporarily limit your sending – which means that your daily and total emails sent will be limited in number and You will need to take the necessary measures to ensure that your practices comply with our Policy and requirements – before sakod can lift the temporary sending limit and allow You to send your desired volumes. A temporary sending limit subsequent to a breach of your contractual obligations means that You will remain liable for the payment of the amounts contractually due during the limitation period despite the limitation on your email sending options and no refund whatsoever will be made.
You (i) shall comply with all laws and regulations in force that are applicable in any country from which You access the Website and/or use the Service, as well as in any country to which You send emails, and (ii) shall indemnify and hold Us harmless from any action brought against Us, judgment entered against Us or loss We may sustain due to Your non-compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Furthermore, You agree to reimburse Us for any action or formality We may be required to carry out to comply with a legal demand or request from an administrative or judicial authority in relation to your use of the Service. In the event You become aware of a violation by any third party of any provision of these Terms or of any laws or regulations and, in particular, if You become aware of a security breach by a third party or discover a security breach, You shall immediately notify Us by any means, including by sending an email to
We offer various options to our Clients, including free and paid plans, with or without a fixed commitment period. You can find these options and the relevant pricing on our website at:
The pricing of these plans is available in US Dollars.